Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Applying to the Nickelodeon Screenwriting Fellowship again

Even though I'm taking steps to find a "real" job I've also got some screenwriting goals for 2011. First I'm going to apply to the Nickelodeon Screenwriting Fellowship again. The last time I applied was in 2008. I was six months pregnant at the time and the week the application was due I came down with a horrible case of the flu. The application needed to be post-marked that Saturday. I started writing my sample spec of Entourage that Friday. I wrote 35 pages in about 24 hours. I printed out and didn't even have time to spell check it before I rushed it to the post of office. I did not win that year but I was very proud of the fact that I submitted despite all that I was going through.

This year I'm giving myself more time. Because of my baby I've been watching a lot of Nick Jr. lately. The spec I'm going to submit this year is based on a show on that channel. All I can say is we'll see what happens.

Aside from that I've still got my support system in place with my screenwriting cabal. We're five aspiring screenwriters at varying levels of success all committed to making it as professional working screenwriters. We meet once a month and e-mail once a week to make sure we are on track with our goals. I would suggest a support group to anyone who is pursuing a dream. It is invaluable.

I'm also still working on my high-concept script with one of my cabal members. He's in UCLA's prestigious screenwriting program. If we ever finish the script my former mentor from the Disney Screenwriting Fellowship, who's still has her job as a development exec, says she will read it. That's a big deal. Not a lot of people can get their scripts read by an exec at a major studio. I'm very lucky that's why I'm taking my time to make sure it's perfect before I turn it over to her.

Aside from that everyday I still apply for real jobs. Been applying for a lot of government jobs lately. I'm also back to school tomorrow. I'm in a graduate program studying the humanities. My next class is Self: Body and Mind: WHo are you? How do you know?

1 comment:

  1. This is so inspirational. Especially the part about how you keep going through tough times.

    I came to the love of screenwriting very late in life. It's so encouraging to hear what you've achieved already, alongside of your education and raising a child alone.

    P.S. Love the name of your blog!
