Thursday, September 29, 2011

Book Writing Progress for my Memoir

So I started working on my book in July at the week before starting my class on cultural geography. During that 8-wk class I completed eight, 6-8pg papers for class, and for my book I completed the preface and the first100 pages. I also wrote and  queried seven literary agents and also worked on a proposal. Yes I've been busy but I'm also going on adrenaline.

Prior to a few months ago I didn't know that breaking into nonfiction publishing was so accessible. I didn't know that most nonfiction works are sold on proposal rather than a completed manuscript. In other words if you have a nonficition book idea you don't necessarily need to write the whole book before you try to sell it.  All you need to do is write a couple (1-3) sample chapters and a proposal. Once you have those you could technically approach a publisher without an agent and try to sell it to them, however that is not advised because once a publisher, or publishers pass on your work you've narrowed options for an agent. Secondly many reputable publishers don't accept submissions from unagented writers. Because of that I've been approaching agents with my query. The good thing about literary agents as opposed to screenwriting agents is that most, that I've come across, get back to you whether they're interested or not. Many times when I've queried screenwriting agents  I never heard anything from them.

So far I've gotten one rejection, and from the agent I most wanted to represent me but whatever. My classmate got 60 rejections before she found a publisher. I'm  certain I  won't get that many rejections 

Here's a list of resources I found helpful for book proposals and advice on narrative nonfiction or memoir.

The Art of Creative Nonfiction:Writing and Selling the Literature of Reality by Lee Gutkind

Formatting and Submitting Your Manuscript by Cynthia Laufenberg

How to write a book proposal by Michael Larsen (great for formatting questions)

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