Wednesday, June 1, 2011

If you don't have time to write daydream

If you don't have time to write, daydream about what you will write when you get a minute. Think about the story you're working on or one you want to work on.

Along those lines every aspiring writer/screenwriter should have a book or folder or file of ideas of potential stories that you might want to develop one day. Say you're lucky enough to meet with or speak with an agent or manager. Indeed they might have contacted you because they like something your working on but these people are greedy. They want more than the one great story you have, they want to know you're more than a one-hit wonder. They want to know that you are someone that can continue to bring in money. I met with a manager and he shot down my few great ideas before I even had time to explain to him how great they were. Before I knew it I was shaking his hand and leaving his office and he was on the phone with the next person. So learn from my mistake, always have ten to fifteen ideas/loglines at the ready to pitch.

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